26 July, 2010

Sugar Free, Please

I never thought I'd be saying that. However after throwing up this morning because of a frosted blueberry poptart (my favorite), and again from a handful of M&M's this afternoon, I've figured out that Bingham Baby #2 just can't handle all of that goodness. So, I guess it's sayonara to the sweets until Feburary. Sad.

21 July, 2010

Pocket Checking . . . Who does that?

You know, the whole ritual of checking all of the pockets in your clothing before putting them in the wash. Not me.
I don't carry things in my pockets, it just feels weird. So why check em'? Oh, because Dustin carries things in his. Duh.
He's actually gotten pretty good at checking his own pockets. He picks up where I lack. That's why our marriage is SO great.
Once in awhile he'll miss something, but don't worry I always find it. However it's usually after it's too late.
So what's the point of this post. I found something he missed.
A stick of gum. Yes, who knew a stick of gum could be so long lasting? (I'll find out the brand for ya). It's lining the inside of my dryer as well the load of clothes that just came out of it. Lovely.
So if anyone has any ideas on how to get (dried) gum out clothes and dryers. PLEASE tell me. And quick! before my husband gets home from work.
He used to be so patient about this issue when we first got married, but you'd think I would have caught on by now.

A quick list of things washed by me other than clothes:
  • Dustin's passport (you know, the one that he took on his mission to Poland that has had tons of really cool stamps from all over Europe. Ya. That one)
  • Dustin's wallet
  • An entire bag of sunflower seeds (who carries those in their pocket?)
  • Gum (However, it's never made it past the washer. Until now.)
  • Money
  • Receipts / Movie tickets
  • A bobby pin (which happened to get stuck in one of the little holes in the washer, putting little holes in all of our clothes once the washer hit the spin cycle.)

18 July, 2010

Get Your Swim On

And that we did. Here's the little chunk soaking up the rays and drinking all the water! (Crazy thing! He wouldn't keep his face out of it!)

It was his first time in a public pool, and I'm pretty sure I was way more excited than he was to go. But I knew he would have fun because he enjoys bathtime so much. He found a couple of girls to flirt with, some grass to eat, and some toys to steal. All the things boys are good at.

After about 3 hours of 100 degree weather and little girls that bite - we called it a day.

08 July, 2010

We're Back!

And we're here to stay. Sorry it's been so long. We've definitely had an eventful last few months. Let's play a little game of Catch Up.


As you already know, I became a Scentsy Consultant. In case you're wondering how that has turned out, well, I'm Loving it. Who doesn't like to throw parties?

Kael made out like a bandit for Easter! It's a good thing Dustin put me on a budget because I had a lot of fun putting together this little guy's basket.

Melanie took her kids on a field trip to the Renaissance Fair. Kael and I tagged along. It was interesting to say the least. Her kids loved it, but Kael cared more about the earrings I was wearing than anything else that day. We saw some fairies, watched real knights joust, and even got to meet Captain Jack Sparrow! Still, it was nice to get out and about.

Happy 30th to the HUBS! This month was dedicated to Dustin. He made sure of it.

We first celebrated with Kacey and Jason by having a delicious lunch at the Cheescake Factory and then spending a very cold, very snowy night watching Motocross in SLC. It was fun until our blankets and clothes started to soak through.
The sweet track

We are obviously still dry or we wouldn't be this happy

Our second celebration was dinner with friends and then ice-cream at Charlie's. Unfortunately no pictures were taken. It was good to get everyone together again. Thanks guys for being there!

Third was a birthday party with the fam. I made one amazing cake, we chowed down, sang, and opened presents.

All in all I'd say May was a memorable month.


I think a CONGRATS! is in order.
Because we're going to be parents . . . . . all over again! I guess this is our coming out. In June we found out that we are expecting. Surprise!
Ha! I bet you're not nearly as surprised as we were.
It's ok. We've got this. (Is what I keep telling myself).
Here's our little bean
Due to make it's appearance around Feb. 3, 2011

Really, we're excited. And i feel so blessed that our little family is growing.

Also, this month Kael finally got the hang of crawling. This is him:

(Sorry about the poor quality. One day we'll get a real video camera.)

And this is him:

I'm barely keeping up. Barely.


The fourth was a fun first for Kael. We watched the Logan fireworks on the 3rd, and surprisily, our little man was really into them. Well, the first 10 minutes of them.Then he got bored.
We sat and watched the Cruise-In parade on the 4th. We sat - he stood, and sat, and climbed, and crawled, and bawled. You know. All the things a 9 month old would do during a 2 hour parade.

I hope this post didn't take you as long to read it as it did me to post it.